Fassmer Shipyard

In the last 3 years for the Fassmer Shipyard in Berne we have executed 3 Bundespolizei units. We have laid 1000 m of hydraulic system (10 mm – 42 mm diameter pipe) divided into 12 systems and 3 SAR units with a total length of 400 m (10 mm – 42 mm diameter pipe)

Ultrafog Company

For Ultrafog at the Chantiers de l’Atlantique Shipyard, we have carried out water mist fire protection systems on passenger crafts under construction.

Gdańsk-Based Repair Shipyard

For Stocznia Remontowa S.A. shipyard in Gdańsk we have executed dozens of major and minor projects in the history of our operations. Our specialists have taken an active part in overhauls, building and rebuilding of crafts. We have provided services involving disassembly and assembly of systems. We have been commissioned to build new systems and hired to provide maintenance services.

Abeking & Rasmussen Shipyard

We performed the overall hydraulic system on the Super Yacht, which comprised 3600 m of pipes (10 mm – 42 mm diameter) broken down into 20 different systems.

Richter Company

For many years now we have been supporting Richter Rohrleitungsbau on various projects, helping them with installation of CO2, hi-fog, sanitary, ballast systems etc.

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